Ruth Shuttlewood, one of our adminstrators at Shepherdswell Academy, will be running the London Marathon this April to raise money for the charity Asthma UK.
It's a subject close to her heart as her daughter Isla suffers from the lung disease.
Ruth said: "I always said any charity I ran for would have to be a cause close to my heart. My daughter Isla suffers with asthma and wasn't diagnosed until she was a teenager.
"Her asthma was always under control and what I would class as minor. Last year Isla suffered an asthma attack pretty much out of the blue. It was one of the scariest things I've had to witness as her Mum and completely knocked her for six. Her attack was caused by a chest infection. She was hospitalised for a short time and put on nebulisers to help, she was then discharged on antibiotics."
Ruth is hoping to raise as much money as possible for Asthma UK, which supports people with the disease and carries out medical research in the hope of one day finding a cure.
Ruth said: "Running the London Marathon is one of my life goals. I am so excited to have a gained a place, to be taking on this challenge and at the same time raise money for charity.
"I would really appreciate your support for this cause and promise to run, run, run and enjoy every minute!"
To sponsor Ruth, click here.