
Welcome to Reception

Welcome to Reception, we are happy and excited to welcome you back after the summer holidays. We have one class in Reception this year. The class will be Hedgehogs class with Miss Weatherspoon.

The curriculum 

Each term we have a topic or theme that we focus our learning around.

This term our topic is – All About Me

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. This has seven areas of learning, three prime areas which are Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, and Physical Development. The four specific areas are Mathematics, Literacy, Expressive Arts and Design, and Understanding the World.

Reading books

This year we have a big focus on reading, your child will have a daily phonics lesson and reading for pleasure session as well as reading with adults 1:1. We expect your child to read at home at least 3 times a week for a minimum of ten minutes. Your children will be getting two different types of reading books. One book will be a RWI book that is matched to their phonics/reading ability. At the beginning of the year this will be a wordless book for your child to discuss the pictures, beginning to answer questions and create their own narrative around the pictures. It is also to learn book skills such as turning the pages and holding the book the in the correct way. The other type of book is a library book used for reading for pleasure, your child might not be able to read this book alone, but it is a great book to share together or even make up different stories using the pictures. Your child will choose this book from the school library or class book box. Book change days are Monday and Thursdays. 

Reading at home with your child is extremely important and you should aim to listen to your child read and record this in their reading record. Please ensure your child’s reading book, reading for pleasure book and reading record are in their book bag everyday as we will also aim to read with them 1-1 throughout the week whilst they are at school If you do not bring back your child’s reading book, we will be unable to change this for you. 


PE days will be Monday. 

In Reception children have PE once a week.  During our independent learning sessions, we have access to our outside garden area which has space for children to run and develop their gross motor skills. 

On Mondays your child should come to school in the correct PE kit. PE can take place both inside and outside, so make sure they are dressed appropriately for the weather.  Children should have long hair tied up and no earrings on PE days.  


We will have a half termly Homework Pick n Mix. This will be sent out every half term. Children are given a homework book where you can record their homework. Homework is about giving the children the opportunity to develop their learning, and to give you a chance to learn together as a family. Your child might like to draw or write in the book, or you might like to write for them and write what they have told you. At the beginning of the year, you might need to write for your child, however we encourage the children to try and have ago themselves. If they cannot write, try to encourage them to draw a picture. 


Please ensure that your child has their named book bag and named water bottle (water only) in school every day and that your child’s uniform is also named.   Please check your child’s book bag each day, as letters are often sent this way. The children are provided with a healthy fruit or vegetable snack each morning, they are also given a carton of milk. Milk is provided by the Government. Until they turn 5, If you would like your child to continue receiving milk after they are 5, please arrange payment with the office. 

If you have any questions, please talk to Miss Weatherspoon or contact the school office.  

We are looking forward to a fantastic year!



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