Welcome to Year 1

In Year 1 Miss Godfrey is the teacher of Woodpeckers.

The curriculum

Each term we have a topic or theme that we focus our learning around. 

We also study a range of books and genres to extend the children’s knowledge and vocabulary. During the year we will have visitors in and visits out of school that enhance and broaden the children’s learning and interests. We will also have opportunities for parents to attend assemblies, workshops, events, and parents’ evenings. Please see the curriculum overview document below.

Reading books

In Year 1 we have a big focus on reading, your child will have a daily phonics lesson and reading for pleasure lesson as well as reading with adults 1:1. In Year 1 we expect your child to read at least 3 times a week for a minimum of ten minutes. Your children will be getting two different types of reading books. One book will be a RWI book that is matched to their phonics/reading ability and the other is a ‘Read with me’ book, your child might not be able to read this book, but it is a great book to share together or even make up different stories using the pictures. Book change days are Monday and Thursdays. Reading at home with your child is extremely important and you should aim to listen to your child read 4 times and record this in their reading record.


For Owls, PE will take place on Wednesday and Thursday. For Woodpeckers, PE will take place on Tuesday and Thursday. On these days, your child should come to school in the correct PE kit. PE can take place both inside and outside, so make sure they are dressed appropriately. Children should have long hair tied up and no earrings on PE days.


We will have a half termly Homework Pick n Mix. This will be sent out every half term.


Please ensure that your child has their named book bag and named water bottle (water only) in school every day and that your child’s uniform is also named. Please check your child’s book bag each day, as letters are often sent this way. The children are provided with a healthy fruit or vegetable snack each morning, these are provided by the government.

If you have any questions please talk to either Ms Whitehead or Miss Godfrey or contact the school office.

We are looking forward to a fantastic year!
Year 1 Team

Welcome to Year 1
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