Phonics and Early Reading
Children who read regularly or are read to regularly have the opportunity to open the doors to so many different worlds!
At Shepherdswell Academy we provide a systematic and progressive approach to teaching phonics and early reading through the ‘Read Write Inc’ phonics program, which is designed for children from 4-7 years old.
Phonics involves teaching the children to recognize the individual sounds that each letter makes, to identify the sounds different combinations of letters make and to blend sounds together to make and read words.
Everyone at Shepherdswell starts the day with a 40-minute phonics lesson, which is tailored to the stage they are at within the program. All children are assessed regularly, and they are grouped with other children working at the same level. This allows complete participation in lessons.
Children who may still need extra support with phonics are identified for targeted intervention strategies to support with each child making good progress.
This is the first steps in supporting our children to become confident readers and writers. It supports them to read fluently and at speed so they can focus on developing their skills in comprehension – reading for meaning, vocabulary, and spelling.
We aim to for all children to develop a real love of books by reading to and with them, both at school and home, giving children access to a wide range of books, we use a broad range of high quality, vocabulary rich books across the curriculum.
Parental Involvement
Reading at home, alongside reading at school is vitally important and we value working in partnership with you to support your child’s reading.
At Shepherdswell Academy we change reading books on a Monday and Thursday. The children will bring a book band phonic book and a reading for pleasure book home.
• Their book band phonic book will match the sounds that they are confident in to allow them to consolidate the learning in the Read Write Inc. Lessons. It also allows your child to practice, gain convivence and improving fluency by re-reading the books, we recommend at least three times, building on what they have learnt and read before.
• Their reading for pleasure book is a book for you to share with them to develop a love of reading, you can read this to them or with them, asking questions about the story, making predictions and forming options about what they have read.
Helpful websites
Parent guide to Read Write Inc. Phonics | Oxford Owl
RWI Frequently Asked Questions